Finding Better Windows For My Home
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Finding Better Windows For My Home

After we started focusing heavily on exterior renovations for our home, we realized that our windows needed to change. Instead of trying to scrub them clean and deal with their leaky nature, we went to a professional glass expert and talked with him about replacing the windows. We were able to choose from a large selection of different styles, colors, and shapes, and it was really fantastic to find such amazing replacements. This blog is all about finding better windows for your home and knowing how to choose between all of the options out there. You never know, you might be surprised with how much of a difference the right windows can make.

Finding Better Windows For My Home

Are Retrofit, Replacement, Or New Construction Windows Right For Your Home?

Michele Kuhn

Your windows play a major role in the energy efficiency of your home. Air leakage from windows with low energy efficiency ratings could mean increased energy costs for you. If you are considering changes to your windows to save on energy costs, here is what you need to know.

Should You Replace or Retrofit the Windows?

There is some debate among home improvement professionals regarding whether or not windows should be completely replaced or retrofitted. Proponents for retrofitted windows argue that older windows can have changes made to them to improve their energy efficiency. Other professionals argue that replacement windows are the best way to save on energy costs. 

Ultimately, the decision is up to you. There are some factors to consider before deciding though. For instance, if you have a historic home, retrofitting the windows could be a way to retain the character of the home while saving on energy costs. However, the amount of work that is required on the windows could make it less than cost effective. 

You also have to factor in that replacement windows are available in many styles, which means you can more than likely find windows that complement any architectural style. Replacement windows can also eat away at your budget, but they do offer significant savings over time. You might even qualify for special tax rebates. 

What About New Construction Windows?

Some homeowners go a step further in the quest for energy savings and opt for new construction windows. However, it is not always an option.

With a new construction window, the studs and frame of the window are replaced, too. If the studs and frame have been damaged by elements, such as mold or rot, this can be a sound option for replacing the windows. But, it can be a rather involved process for your window contractor. 

It is important to note that new construction windows can add to your replacement windows budget. Not only does your contractor have to install the window, frame, and studs, but he or she also has to match the materials to the exterior of your home. The result could be more time and labor spent, which means a higher replacement bill for you.

Work with your contractor to determine which windows are ideal for your home. He or she can help you further explore the window styles available and assess which would provide the most energy savings. For more information, contact local professionals like JFK Window & Door Co.
